StarCraft 2 cancelled units

PROTOSS DELETED UNITS from StarCraft 2 - from Reaver to Soul Hunter

SCRAPPED UNITS That Could Have Been in StarCraft 2 Multiplayer - Terran Race


Why Soul Hunter was removed from Protoss in StarCraft 2

Why There are NO HEROIC UNITS in StarCraft 2 except The MotherShip

TOP 5 CRAZY ZERG DESIGN Ideas that were deleted from StarCraft 2 multiplayer

Brood War Protoss units that didn't make it into StarCraft 2

Brood War Zerg units that didn't make it into StarCraft 2

Why Goliaths are not in StarCraft 2

The MOST HATED Unit in the history of StarCraft 2 - the story of the MotherShip Core

Brood War Terran units that didn't make it into StarCraft 2

Why StarCraft 2 balance seems so 'BROKEN'

The secret Starship unit that was removed from Terran race in StarCraft 2

Unique Terran unit HERC that was removed from StarCraft 2

Why Scourge didn't make it into StarCraft 2 versus

How different was Thor in alpha version of StarCraft 2

TOP 5 CRAZY Terran race design concepts that didn't make it into StarCraft 2

TOP 5 Things that Protoss race had in the alpha version of StarCraft 2

Serral Is Going To Get Zerg Nerfed (Again.) StarCraft 2

The NOD come to StarCraft 2?! Command & Conquer Vs StarCraft 2 Cast!

A flying unit Predator that was scrapped from Terran race in StarCraft 2

NEW SC2 Game Mode - StarCraft 2 vs Warcraft 3! (MaxPax vs LawLiet)

Starcraft 2 Terran Unit Guide: Marine | How to USE & How to COUNTER | Learn to Play SC2

StarCraft 2: Control Groups, Production & Hotkeys Tutorial!